When most people think of April fool’s Day, they think of lame jokes, tasteless pranks and other foolishness.
Normally I do, too, but THIS April fool’s Day is turning out to be one of the best days I’ve had in a long time. Well, since last Saturday, at least. (My oldest son came down with a pretty mean case of stomach flu at about 2 AM Saturday night and… well, I’ll spare you the gory details, but let me just say that it’s a mighty good thing our washing machine works)
For starters, the mailman rang the bell and delivered this
amazing Golden Age Sandman drawing I was lucky enough to buy from the very talented
Chris Samnee, along with a bonus sketch of my own character, The Ogre, from my Paranormal trilogy. Thanks a million, Chris!

And then, while I was admiring the drawings, the doorbell rings again. This time it’s the UPS guy, bringing me my artists’ copies of… and no, this isn't a joke...
Paranormal vol.3!! It’s finally here! And it looks great, too! Valérie Bigel at Carabas and the printers did a knockout job putting it together, so for anyone out there interested in the book, go run over to your local* comic shop, fnac.com or amazon.fr and get yourself a copy.

Anyway… my day is off to a great start. No kidding.
Hope yours is, too!
*local if you live in France, that is...