As any comic book readers out there probably already know, black and white comics were the big thing back in the early-to-mid 1980s. Following the unexpected success of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the American comic book market was flooded overnight with black and white titles of varying quality. One of the better black and white books published at the time—and still one of my favorites today—was Eagle, by Neil Vokes and Rich Rankin.
The main character, mysterious supernatural investigator and martial artist Richard Eagle, crossed swords with deadly assassin cults and supernatural threats in a futuristic city. He was helped in his investigations by a mystical (and kinda evil) orb of almost unlimited power, which he controlled—barely—using his vast knowledge of magic. The stories were like nothing I’d ever seen before, and Neil Vokes sure knew how to draw a fight scene.
Plus, there were lots of ninjas.
The original comics are pretty tough to find these days, but if you’re interested, you can order the collected version right here.
This book was one of my favorites as well!!! ...I was so in love with this book when i was young...so much so that i actually wrote them!!!(my first time doing this) Not only did they publish it but the sent me some of the EAGLE calling cards that he uses in the book!!! I am a Vokes Fan for life!!!!
Thanks so much for your rendering and the rush of fond memories!
Wow, they actually sent you EAGLE calling cards? Maaannn... I never wrote to my favorite comics' letters pages, now I wish I had...
Thanks Dave, I'm glad you liked the sketch.
And now i can die happy (tho i'd like to wait about 50 more years thank you) I've two more EAGLE fans...that makes three now...including me.
But seriously,as i told Dan,it's always very gratifying to know that our obscure little character made a mark in so many lives-it sincerely brings a lump to my throat...but that might also be just a belch...burp...'scuse me...
Danno- all ya gotta do is ask and a EAGLE calling card is yours-I'm sure i have a couple left lying around somewhere...;o)
You two EAGLE heads might like to check out this blog:
an old friend-and self professed #1 fan of EAGLE -David Zuzelo- started it awhile ago and it is all about...well...Eagle,of course-lol
That Lulu.com EAGLE reprint is a temporary thing til we get an official one out there- i have a good friend working on that right now- hopefully next year sometime we'll be able to publish a two volume set of the 1st 12 issues-6 issues each-with new and archival material- fingers and swords crossed,lads...;o)
Thanks for the updates and blog info,Neil, I'll definitely keep my fingers crossed for the official reprint volumes. Can't wait to read the new material, too! (Any chance we'll get to find out how the Dark Mirror Saga ends?)
Also, if the offer still stands for an EAGLE calling card, I'd love to have one!
Dan- you never read the 4 ish mini we put out in the early 90s that wrapped up the story? shame-shame...but i understand,we put it out under a short lived imprint of Rich's "The Comix Zone" and lotsa EAGLE fans never saw it-sorry- but it can be found if u look around a bit...;o)
and send me an addy i can mail the card to- write to my email: ndv45@comcast.net
Wow, I can't believe you guys finished the Dark Mirror Saga and I missed it. (But then again, it's not that surprising, seeing as how I didn't read many comics in the 90's...)How fitting that I find this out on Christmas...
I'll be happy to send you an e-mail with my address. Can't wait to see that EAGLE card, Neil. Thanks a million! And Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Gee. I think I was expecting to see Elektra
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