I liked the cast, which I thought was dead-on, especially The Comedian, Rorschach (where did they find that guy, anyway? He was perfect for the part) and both Silk Spectres. I liked the opening scene with the Comedian, the retro-flashback opening credits and seeing how they did the black spots on Rorschach’s mask. I liked seeing how the director interpreted the different scenes from the book, and since I’d re-read my dog-eared copy of the graphic novel before going to see the movie, it was fun hearing dialogue and plot elements that were still fresh in my memory. In short, I thought it was a good show. It can't--and never will--replace the graphic novel, but it was definitely fun to watch.
Here are a couple character sketches. If you don’t know who these guys (and gal) are, I can’t encourage you enough to go buy the graphic novel and find out. Preferably BEFORE you go see the movie!

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